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Hosting and Control Panel

  • How can I access my Hosting Control Panel?

    To access you Hosting Control Panel you should follow this link: and press Hosting Login link   Login:Your login Password:Your password   For example:...

  • Path to domains main folder.

    If you are using classical Linux hosting access to your main folder will look like this - /var/www/vhosts/ Every hosting account has a main domain (mainly it's the domain name you...

  • PHP Interpreter path

    If you are using standart LinuX, then the PHP interpreter path should be:   /usr/bin/php...

  • DNS management

    To change Domain Name Servers, you have to log in to the Web Hosting Control Panel and follow this video course:...

  • Changing the main folder for your homepage/domain files

    In case you need to change your homepage main folder, you can follow this simple instructions. For example, your main folder name is /httpdocs, but you have created a new version of the homepage and s...

  • PHP version and modules

    To check PHP version and available modules, at first you need to create a test file named phpinfo.php(or any other, just make sure it ends with .php). File shound contain this text: <?php phpinfo(); ?...

  • Where can I find information logs?

    If you are seeing that your page is shown incorrect or isn't shown at all, you should check your Error log. You can check it like it is shown in this video tutorial:...

  • It is impossible to delete main domain in control panel!

    Even though it's impossible to delete the domain, there is a simple solution - you can rename it to any other! Here's an example how to:...

  • I need to delete a domain, how can i do that?

    To delete a domain, you can follow our video tutorial: Caution: Deleting will result in loosing all the data connected to this domain (files, data bases, e-mails), please make sure that you already co...

  • How to add a new subdomain?

    If you need to add a new subdomain to your hosting, you can follow this video tutorial! If domain haven't been registered yet, please write to If you need a domain for a test, you ca...